

What Is The United Church of Christ?

The United Church of Christ is a mainline Protestant denomination formed in 1957. This came about as the result of a merger between the Evangelical & Reformed Church and the Congregational Christian tradition. Our rich heritage upholds local church autonomy (i.e. the freedom of faith and practice), places a high emphasis on educated clergy and laity, and strives toward social justice and community outreach. Thus, the UCC is a progressive expression of Christianity in a complex world. For decades, the UCC has developed close partnerships with other denominations in an effort “that they may all be one” (John 17:21). These relationships extend to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the Presbyterian Church (USA), the United Methodist Church, the American Baptist Church USA, as well as brothers and sisters of other faith traditions. The UCC is a non-creedal tradition that seeks to make Christianity a testimony of faith, not a test of faith. Our intent is to be an open and inclusive religious community to all God’s children.

What Is Our Worship Style?

We gather for worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. Our format is rooted in the Reformed tradition of worship (i.e. hymns, liturgy, responses, scripture reading, etc.). There are creative and thematic elements that occasionally transcend the traditional experience.

What Type Of Music Is Played?

We usually sing hymns from the Chalice Hymnal (Christian Church – Disciples of Christ). On some instances, we infuse praise songs, contemporary music or non-religious pieces into the service – when appropriate. We have a sanctuary choir that sings most Sundays, as well as a contemporary group – Joyful Noise – that sings on the third Sunday of each month. The choir will share cantatas on high holy days and individuals will contribute their musical talents throughout the year.

What About Sacraments?

Baptisms are performed when an agreeable date is reached between the family and the church. Only one baptism is conducted at a worship service. We typically baptize infants, but adults have also received this gracious gift. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month, except for the months of Christmas and Easter. In addition, we gather for the Lord’s Supper on Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. For communion, we often partake all together while people are seated in the pews, but there are a few times when people come forward to participate by intinction (i.e. take a piece of bread off the common loaf and dip the bread into the cup of grape juice or wine).

How Many Members Are At St. John?

We have roughly 575 people who claim membership in the church. Not all people who come are members, nor do all of our members come.

How Many Attend Worship Each Week?

We average about 120 people in worship each Sunday. Some seasons, like summer, are a little lower, while Christmas and Easter times see much higher than the average figure.

How Do I Become A Member or Learn More?

For those interested in membership, the pastors are willing to offer small group sessions or individual meetings. This can be at the convenience of both the prospective member(s) and pastor(s). People will learn about St. John (i.e. history, ministries, etc.), and have a chance to ask questions. The hope is that people will gather enough information to make an informed decision about whether or not to join this community of believers. When people are ready to commit to church membership, we will have a special moment in worship to recognize this reception. Should you want to know more, please feel free to contact the church office.

What Are The Church Financials?

The annual budget of the church is over $400,000. This is supported strictly through voluntary donations on the part of generous contributors. Over 10% of the income is given to mission partners and outreach work.

What About the Church School Program at St. John?

Our Sunday School hour is at 9:30am; although, we do provide nursery care for our littlest ones during worship service. We have a number young people from birth to age 18 registered in our program. The average attendance on a given Sunday is around 10 children. Read more about the Church School Program on the Ministries page.


Please note: this facility was built for the glory of God and we, of St. John U.C.C., take great pride in its appearance. We ask that you leave the facility in the condition that you received it. We trust that you will treat God’s house as you would have others treat your house. Thank you!
Our church warmly welcomes children of all ages with the hope that, through our Sunday School classes and other church activities, they will experience God’s abundant love for them. Our goal is to include them as important members of our faith community and help them learn to know, love, and serve God.

“Marriage is a sacred rite of the church and the very basis of human society and should be held in high honor by everyone. Thus, marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, discreetly, and in the love of God.”


St. John U.C.C. is available for couples to get married regardless of whether or not you are a member. Non-members must meet and consult with a pastor before their wedding is scheduled. Please review the wedding application form for more information. A wedding will be secured on the calendar after the application form and deposit have been received and the date has been cleared by the church office. Should you have further questions, feel free to contact Dawna Williams-Landis in the church office.

This year’s Vacation Bible School is “Camp Firelight: A Summer Camp Adventure with God.” VBS will be held on July 22-25, 2024 (Monday thru Thursday) from 5:00–8:00pm. A light meal will be served during our time together. Anyone interested in volunteering for the program should contact Pastor Tracey Harris at Please download the registration form to register your child or children.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of the church. Here at St. John we are updating our list of volunteer opportunities and ask each member to take a moment and fill out the form. Many of these opportunities do not require monthly meetings and may even be only one time or for one season in the church. Please give prayerful consideration as to how you can get involved with God’s Mission. What gift will you share in 2025? Completed forms can be emailed to Cindy Boddy ( or placed in Cindy’s mail slot here at St. John. Thanks!