
Our History

The United Evangelical Church of Manchester, Missouri (now St. John United Church of Christ Manchester) was founded on January 3, 1860, when 28 men covenanted to organize and meet for the express purpose of being the Church of Jesus Christ. Prior to the actual founding date, three men purchased a lot south of Manchester Road (where the old cemetery now stands) to construct a building for worship.

The congregation was a small, farming community…

For the first 50 years, the worship services were conducted entirely in the German language of its ancestors. Hence, the name was changed to Saint Johannes Evangelical Church. Since the earliest days, worship services have followed the format of our Reformed tradition.


In the 1950s, St. John moved up to the top of Sulphur Spring Road with the construction of a new church building (now the current location). Also, when the Evangelical & Reformed Church merged with the Congregational Christian tradition in 1957, St. John joined the mainline Protestant denomination the United Church of Christ (UCC).


St. John grew numerically from the 1950s to the 1970s. Many young families migrated to West St. Louis County helping the congregation to expand its programs and ministries. By the 1980s, the congregation had over 1000 members and an estimated worship attendance of 400 people. This was supported by the two strong pastorates of Rev. Paul Wobus (1922-1969) and Rev. Dr. Richard Brandon (1970-2005).


From the very beginning, St. John has been engaged in mission and service to the community. It started out with denominational benevolences, such as, Emmaus Homes and Evangelical Children’s Home (now Every Child’s Hope), and currently encompasses agencies like, Circle of Concern and Sunshine Mission. Probably the most noteworthy partnership has been with Shannondale Community Center, Salem, Missouri (an agency of the Missouri Mid-South Conference) founded by Rev. Wobus and St. John UCC Manchester.

Our Mission

We celebrate our past, our present, and our future. St. John was founded as The United Evangelical Church of Manchester in January 1860 by our German ancestors. From its early beginnings as a predominantly rural area church, St. John has grown into an open and welcoming church for the suburban West St. Louis County community. We are blessed with financial strength, excellent facilities, and a long tenure of pastors. We look forward to a promising future as we grow individually and collectively in God’s grace.

Our vision at St. John UCC Manchester is to create family of faith, open to all, celebrating our past as we forge our future: WELCOMING the Spirit, GROWING in Christ’s love, SERVING God’s world.


Loving the Lord with all our hearts as we unite together in giving glory, honor and thanks.


Interpreting Christ’s teachings from the Bible and nurturing people’s spiritual relationship with the Living God.


A sense of belonging to Christ’s family with every other person of faith.


Sharing the promise of God’s Good News in the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Helping people become more Christ-like in their thoughts, feelings and actions.

We strive for God’s P.E.A.C.E. by:


Praising God through Worship


Educating through Discipleship


Affirming all people through Fellowship


Communicating the gospel through Evangelism


Emulating Jesus’ love through Ministry

Our Staff

The Rev. Dr. Kevin P. Gregory

Senior Pastor

Kevin became Senior Pastor in 2007. He is originally from the suburbs of Chicago. Kevin received his bachelor’s degree from Elmhurst University and his Master of Divinity degree from Eden Theological Seminary. He served UCC congregations in Indiana and Wisconsin prior to his call in Manchester. In 2008, Kevin completed his Doctor of Ministry degree in preaching from Chicago Theological Seminary and the Association of Chicago Theological Schools. In addition to his duties at the church, Kevin is on the Personnel Committee for the Missouri Mid-South Conference of the denomination, as well as the Boundary Awareness Team. He is on the Board of Directors for Cape Albeon (a UCC senior living community) and the Board for St. Andrew’s Resources for Seniors System in St. Louis. Kevin is happily married to Laura, a Kindergarten teacher in the Rockwood School District. They are the proud parents of four adult children – Sarah, Grace, Samuel and Lillian. When he is not enjoying time with his family, he can be found at Crossfit Wildwood training to stay healthy.

Cindy Boddy


Cindy has been with St. John since October 2009. Previously she served as Administrative Assistant but moved to the position of bookkeeper (part-time) in 2018. This has afforded her the opportunity to provide childcare for her grandson, Wyatt. Prior to coming to St. John, Cindy served as administrative assistant to the superintendent & secretary to the Board of Education (as well as various other secretarial positions) in the Pattonville School District for 36 years. She is the proud mother of one son, Sean, a daughter-in-law, Barbara, and grandson, Wyatt. Cindy and her three brothers grew up in the United Church of Christ being baptized and confirmed in UCC churches. She became a member of St. John in May 2018 and is thrilled to be a part of this outstanding community of faith. Cindy loves to read, travel, and spend time with her family and friends.

Jane Suozzi

Administrative Assistant

Jane has been with St. John since late October 2023 as our administrative assistant. She’s settled in with us at St. John, and feels blessed to be working with a great congregation in a meaningful role. Originally from Alabama, she’s lived in the west county area since the mid 60’s. She’s worked as an administrative assistant/ secretary/office manager most of her career. Her longest employment was with a film producer/writer/director by the name of William Schwartz. Small company – big projects. Once Jane became a mom of three, she continued to work from home. From 1996-2010, Jane served as an alderman for the City of Ballwin. She’s now an “empty nester” still living in Ballwin. She lost her daughter Kim eleven years ago to brain cancer at 23. Her sons, John and Michael, now live out of the area. John, a geotechnical engineer, resides in New York City and Mike continues to serve in the Navy. She’s an active member of Salem in Ballwin United Methodist Church. She enjoys gardening, playing bridge and sewing/quilting. An avid Cardinals and Blues fan, Jane also holds an advanced certification in scuba diving.



  • Natalie Morton (2028*), President ✉️
  • Ann Picaud (2027*), Vice President ✉️
  • Karen Gaertner (2026*), Financial Secretary ✉️
  • Janice Jung (2026*), Recording Secretary ✉️
  • Karen Benton (2028*) Treasurer ✉️
  • Dave Gaehle (2028*), Building ✉️
  • Craig Lindquist (2027*), Grounds ✉️
  • Char Heyde (2026), Christian Education Liaison ✉️
  • Richard Scharnhorst (2028*), Worship & Music Liaison ✉️
  • Ken Waters (2027*), Project Manager ✉️
  • Walter Starck (2026), Project Manager ✉️
  • Nicole Martin (2027*), Project Manager  ✉️
  • Rev. Dr. Kevin Gregory, Senior Pastor ✉️


  • Pam Boucher (Chair)
  • Elizabeth Elkins
  • Alicia McGrane
  • Cindy Boddy
  • Char Heyde (Council Rep.)